Le Château du Châtelard, Montreux, Switzerland

[ Establishing shot ]

Southern view of Le Château du Châtelard, Montreux, Switzerland

[ Another shot ]

Western view

Castle Châtelard was built in 1441 by Jean de Gingins as a defence tower during the Burgundian wars. As you can see, it was well positioned on the top of a hill. This makes it a castle of the motte-and-bailey type.

This property has been in private hands since it was built. Now, it is a famous wine-growing center. The castle overlooks Lake Geneva and also has views of the Alps.

French version

Le Château du Châtelard est construit en 1441 par Jean de Gingins, comme un tour de defense durant les guerres de Bourgogne. Comme vous voyex voir, c'est bien situaeé sur une montagne. Parce que ça, il est un château du motte et bailey.

Cetter propriété est restée privé depuis qu'il est construit. Maintenant, il est famuese pur la production viticole. Le château a la vue panoramique sur le lac Léman et des Alpes.